The Law of Attraction and the Power of Gratitude

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The Law of Attraction and the Power of Gratitude

The process of the Law of Attraction is straightforward. Your focus expands to fill the space you give it. To rephrase, your attention attracts more of the same. To rephrase: “Where your focus goes, energy flows. This is the bedrock principle on which the Law of Attraction is based.
You must be selective about where you direct your focus if you want to make the most of this law and bring about the changes you seek in your life. Your thoughts, whether they’re favorable or negative, are creative, and you should recognize this. The law does not care whether your intentions are good or bad. The Law of Attraction initiates the materialization of a notion within 60 seconds if that thought is sustained. Without fail!
So, whatever it is you’re thinking of, you can start making it a reality in as little as 60 seconds. A newcomer could think this is fantastic. Wow, in just 60 seconds, you might be living your dream life. If you focus on what you desire for 60 seconds of peaceful time, the Law of Attraction will effortlessly deliver it to you. However, the situation is not quite as simple as that!
Most people’s first impression of the Law of Attraction is that all they need to do is picture themselves in their ideal life complete with a house, a jaguar, a private aircraft, a beautiful bride, etc.—and the rest will fall into place automatically. But what they don’t see is that every thought, not just the positive ones, is creative. You can start manifesting your desires in as little as 60 seconds by visualizing them. Indeed, this is the case. You could be thinking, “Well, I’ve envisioned living my dream life for a lot longer than 60 seconds. In fact, I’ve spent many hours of my life daydreaming about it, yet it still hasn’t materialized. Everything you think is original, I say.
It’s wonderful to devote time to daydreaming about your ideal life, but I wonder if you actually keep that mindset throughout the rest of your day. On the other hand, do you constantly moan about how terrible everything is? If you’re not living the life of your dreams, you probably engage in the latter. These optimistically destructive thoughts are likewise common and widespread. Higher levels of emotion accelerate the manifestation of one’s thoughts. You undo all the positive effects of your visualization in a very literal sense. You have a lot of good things waiting for you, but your persistent pessimism is keeping them at bay.
Let me be clear: visualization is a potent tool that can and will drastically improve your life, but only if you employ it in accordance with the law. As a rule, the law of attraction is effective. It’s always working, and it never stops. This is an unwavering law of nature. Every single idea is imaginative. Absolutely everyone. Consciously attempting to employ this law will not provide noticeable outcomes until you first alter your predominant thought habits.

Now the question is, “How?

If you shift your attention. You need to alter your perspective. If you have a negative outlook on the world and tend to be cynical, unforgiving, greedy, and violent, you will find more of the same. Find the good in the world by actively seeking it out. If you aren’t feeling abundant in your life right now, that’s no reason not to look for it. Find the things that interest you. Look around you and find all the people who are happy because they are living the life you want for yourself.

Now the question is, “How?

Simple! Being thankful for what you have helps you appreciate it more. You increase whatever it is that you give your attention to. The more appreciative you are of the things you already have, the more of those things you will attract. When you focus on the positive aspects of your life, you activate the Law of Attraction and bring more of those aspects into your life. What you give your attention to grows, so be careful where you direct it!
Do you have any inkling yet of the miraculous effects gratitude can have?
But if you dwell on the things that aren’t going well, they’ll grow, and you’ll receive more of what you don’t want. Give this some careful consideration. Think about it seriously. Can you think of any examples from your past or present where this has happened to you? Common expressions such as “it never rains but it pours,” “when something goes wrong, everything goes wrong,” “Murphy’s law at work again,” etc., encapsulate this rule of the universe.
By dwelling on your own deficiency in response to another person’s good fortune, you are validating that you don’t have what they do. But if you are thankful for what you have and happy for the success of others, you are putting your attention where it belongs: on what you want, and what you focus on grows.
Accept and appreciate your current situation. Accept and celebrate the success of others. Constantly expressing appreciation can direct your mind’s attention toward the good and help you attract more of it. Practicing thankfulness is a great way to shift your perspective and focus on the positive aspects of your life. Keep these two components of the law in mind at all times to keep you on course and in a state of thankfulness.
The Law of Attraction immediately begins to materialize a thought if it is held for 60 seconds.
What you give your attention to grows, so be careful where you put it.

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