A Guide to Mental Nutrients

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A Guide to Mental Nutrients

It was once thought that your IQ was determined by your parents’ genes, but recent research suggests this may not be the case. Environment, life experiences, and diet are now thought to be major factors in determining one’s level of intellect. Is there, then, a magic formula for enhancing one’s brainpower through one’s diet?
I’m not sure if there’s a specific formula, but what I have learned through studying the effects of various meals and supplements is that they have the power to trigger chemical reactions, add natural substances, and have profound effects on the body.
Does what you eat have any effect on your brain’s power and function?
To which the resounding affirmative response is: “Yes!” Fish was traditionally considered brain food in Egypt. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in abundance in fish. Fish oil and omega-3 fatty acids are both high in the fats that make up neurons; therefore, eating more of either can improve cognitive performance. It has been discovered that keeping fish in the home might promote a more happy and balanced emotional state.
Proteins are another excellent nutrient for the brain. Tyrosine is an amino acid found in meats like chicken and beef. Proteins and cells are made up of amino acids, and your brain’s neurotransmitters may benefit from them as well. Not only can they help you deal with stress, but they also aid in keeping your blood sugar stable.
Boron, a chemical found in foods like avocados, raisins, apples, and nuts, may improve memory and focus.
Eggs and milk are good sources of choline, which has been shown to boost cognitive performance. Consuming a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is also crucial for brain health. High levels of antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables help shield brain cells and other tissues from the damage and premature aging caused by free radicals.
Because they contain anthocyanins, the most potent kind of antioxidant, blueberries and blackberries are particularly beneficial to the brain.
Strawberries, cranberries, spinach, raspberries, brussels sprouts, plums, broccoli, oranges, red grapes, red bell peppers, cherries, and kiwis are among the many fruits and vegetables that have been proven to have a high number of anti-oxidants.
Water is essential for healthy brain function and may be the single most important component. Because water makes up around 80% of the brain, maintaining a healthy fluid balance is crucial. A person’s stress hormone levels might rise even with mild dehydration of the brain, impairing their ability to think clearly. How stressed out and dehydrated people get is readily apparent to anyone who spends time with them in the desert during the summer.
Also, there are foods that are detrimental to brain health and performance and should be avoided at all costs. High-sugar and simple-carbohydrate foods provide a temporary boost of energy but then a crash shortly afterward.
Avoiding foods that are high in saturated fats is also advised. The beneficial fats found in avocados, almonds, and fish are exactly what your body needs.
As a corollary, lighten up on the hearty fare. Lowering calorie intake has been shown to improve both longevity and quality of life. It’s good for your memory and your thinking skills, too. Energy that would otherwise be used for thinking is instead being diverted to the digestive process.
Evidently, then, there is a formula for nourishing one’s mind. The proper diet can provide real protection for the brain and maintain its health. By supplementing the brain with the right chemicals, you may boost not just your memory and disposition but also your mental agility.

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