10 Tips for Using Instant Messaging for Business

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10 Tips for Using Instant Messaging for Business

Recently, I took a lunch break while leading a workshop on delivering outstanding customer service. Since the local restaurants have a bad reputation, I gave the kids an extra fifteen minutes for lunch.
Four pupils, sandwiches in hand, hurriedly entered the classroom. They apologized profusely and said that the restaurant in question is part of a national chain and that they consistently get poor treatment there. A day of the week is implied by the name. I won’t be able to offer you all the details. They continued by saying that it took the waiter 45 minutes to bring their meal after placing the order. No one checked on them while they waited.
They continued by saying lunch had arrived and it was time to get to class. That’s how unhappy they were. They wanted to speak with the restaurant’s management. The manager walked over to see them and inquired awkwardly, “What happened?” The restaurant manager, after hearing what happened from one of my pupils, said, “The meal ticket only says you were waiting for eleven minutes.” When my class complained to the manager, she said, “Would you want dessert?” Once again, my kids voiced their dissatisfaction. My manager always apologized when my pupils complained. Neither did my class. The manager then walked away without providing any more information. When the manager came back, he informed my class that they would not have to pay for their meals. My pupils claimed that even if the manager compensated them with free meals, they would never return to that restaurant or any others in the network.
The question then becomes, why were these clients unhappy? The restaurant had a chance to make amends for poor service and make the situation better for everyone involved, but they blew it. My pupils are not only unlikely to return to any location of that chain, but they will also likely spread the word about their negative experience to others. On average, a dissatisfied consumer will tell 27 others about their ordeal. Internet tools like websites and electronic mail make it easy to instantly reach hundreds, if not millions, of people. However, the Department of Consumer Affairs reports that 82%–94% of dissatisfied consumers would return if they were pleased and even suggest five new clients. 
Let’s take a look at the top 10 strategies that have proven to increase sales, bring back displeased consumers, and increase word-of-mouth advertising.

1. Smile 

No amount of effort is more effective than a genuine grin at turning a hostile situation into a favorable one. A kind expression that indicates, “I want to make a difference for you.” It shows that you value communication with the consumer and want to have a good experience. A genuine grin may help you connect with others and speed the process of problem solving.

2. Position Yourself as the One Who Came Up With the Answer

Make sure to identify yourself, ask the customer’s name, and explain your role and the reason for their visit. This demonstrates to the client that you care enough about their problem to actively work on finding a solution. Something like: “Please call me Mike. In this capacity, I serve as the manager. “Allow me to help you out by explaining what’s going on.”
Please take note that I did not ask, “What’s the problem?” Starting a conversation with a customer care scenario with “What’s the problem?” sets a negative tone. The patron is internally debating whether “you” or “this place” or “everything” is to blame for their dissatisfaction. At the outset of a discussion, saying something like, “I’m here to get you out of this jam,” at the outset establishes a “verbal agreement” between you and the client to work toward a resolution. Keep in mind: It’s always a plus if you can refer to the consumer by name while you talk with them.

3. Pay Close Attention

The best way to keep customers happy is to let them air their grievances and make them feel like you listened to their side. Take a moment to detach from the problem in your head and really listen to the customer’s narrative so you can help them. While my pupils were telling their stories, the manager listened quietly. Use phrases like “put yourself in the customer’s shoes” to actively listen and build empathy. “I get what you’re saying.” In other words, “I see why you’d feel that way.” It’s understandable if you’re feeling frustrated. “It seems as if we’ve been a bother to you.” From what I can gather, I begin.

4. Stay Clear of Anything that Can Turn off a Consumer

“I can’t figure out what’s making you so unhappy.”
“You’re the only person to ever lodge a complaint about it.”
As they say, “I’ve been there.” To which I respond, “Boy, you’re definitely furious.” (Since you obviously don’t.)
In the aforementioned scenario, the students complained to the management that they were rushed through their meals and were not satisfied with the service. Without waiting for a response, the manager said, “Would you want dessert?” More food was not the answer. Here is the answer, if you’ll only listen! 
Fourth, Apologize for the Right Things Show genuine regret for the inconvenience you’ve caused the consumer, and apologize properly. There are times when we’re in the thick of a customer service problem and we want to express our care by doing the following: I apologize for interrupting your day with just two words. You didn’t find out anything from the client that would have led you to apologize, for starters. Repeatedly and with specificity, apologize and explain why you’re upset. When apologizing, be specific about what you regret.
The pupils didn’t believe the manager’s repeated expressions of regret since they felt she wasn’t being genuine. The proper phrase to express regret is: I’m sorry the meal took so long to get out. I am so sorry that you were dealt with in such a manner. I apologize for what our employee said to you. I’m sorry you had to go through what you did.
Communicate the specifics of your regret to the consumer. The manager’s “sorrys” fell flat with the pupils since she never explained why she was apologizing.

5. Express Your Own Self Assurance

Show the client that you care enough to make an effort to find a remedy for their problem. One option is to just declare, “I am accepting responsibility for this.” 

6. Inquire About Their Requirements

When it comes to making a sale, one of our biggest concerns is that the consumer really wants something that we can’t provide. Inquire, “What would make this situation suitable for you?” or “What would you want me to do?” Customers often ask for less than you’re ready to offer, which may come as a surprise to you.

7. Put Your Faith in Strong Conviction Statements

Do the following to acquire the patron’s trust: 
That’s unacceptable, and we’re going to change that! 
“Right now, we are going to make a difference!”

8. Provide a Clear Strategy

Make sure the client is aware of the steps you will take to resolve the issue. More than ninety-five percent of doing right by a client is just making them know that you care enough to do something about it. Clearly outline the steps you’ll take and the timeframe within which they may expect to see results. To indicate that you must depart or make a phone call to inquire about something, you may say: “I need to make a quick phone call to see what our best option is for you, so please be patient. Please wait five minutes as I finish this. ” Please excuse me while I find the person who knows the last piece of information we need to quickly fix this problem for you. Could you just hold on for five minutes?”
Take note: always respond to the client earlier than the deadline you set. If you told a client you’d get back to them in 10 minutes, do it sooner rather than later. As a general guideline, expect to wait twice as long as usual to get the desired results. Tell the client you’ll get back to them within twenty minutes if you know it will take you 10 minutes to get the solution.

9. Getting to the Fix Quickly 

If you followed steps 1 through 8, you should be able to provide the client with the ideal solution. The following statements will serve as proof: To what extent would you find this acceptable? Is this what you had hoped for? Inquiring, “Will this put things right for you?”

10. Look for Commercial Interest

Assuming you’ve done everything correctly up to this point, now is the moment to ask the consumer to return and continue doing business with you. You demonstrated competence, concern, sincerity, optimism, and initiative. I don’t see why they wouldn’t want to work with you again. 
These are some examples of possible expressions: 
We hope that we might be of service to you in the future. 
If you return, I will ensure that you get my utmost attention. 
I’ve included a discount voucher for 20% off. We would appreciate it if you would present it on your next visit to our restaurant. “
You need to show the client that you value their company and work hard to earn their repeat business. Keep in mind that if you’ve done everything well, not only will they return, but they’ll recommend you to their contacts. Take advantage of difficult interactions with customers to expand your company.

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