For a lean body, these foods are the best on the planet

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For a lean body, these foods are the best on the planet

The recipes I provide in my newsletters are all designed to help you get the hard-body image you’re after while still providing a tasty treat or supper. In this essay, I’d like to provide you with an alternative perspective on how to prepare nutritious foods. Let me simply give you an idea of what my pantry looks like this time. Don’t forget that if you don’t have junk food in your home, you’re less inclined to consume junk food. You’re compelled to make good decisions if you only have healthy food in the home. Choosing wisely and resisting temptations at the grocery store is the first step to a healthy diet. If you’re looking for some new ideas, here are just a few of my personal favorites.
Let’s start with the refrigerator, shall we? I make it a point to stock up on a wide variety of fresh veggies each week. It’s evident that in winter, I’ll have to rely on grocery store vegetables, which is why I only eat local produce throughout the growing season. It’s not uncommon for me to prepare a large amount of veggies the night before so that I may include them in my breakfast eggs in the morning. 
I also like to add some swiss, jack, or goat cheese to the eggs, as well as some lean chicken or turkey sausage. Coconut milk is another item I have on hand in my refrigerator as a go-to option. The rich, creamy flavor of it may be used in smoothies, porridge, or even yogurt. Many foods benefit from the rich, creamy flavor of coconut milk, as well as the healthy saturated fats it contains. Yes, I did say that Saturated fats are good for you, right? Saturated fats like lauric acid, a medium-chain triglyceride (MCT), “The Truth about Saturated Fats” at is a fascinating read if the concept of beneficial saturated fats is new to you.

Here are a few more must-haves from the fridge:

An excellent mid-morning or mid-afternoon meal is a mixture of cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, and yogurt, with chopped nuts and berries.
Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, macadamias, and pecans may be chopped into little pieces and are excellent sources of healthy fats.
I grind whole flax seeds in a tiny coffee grinder and add them to yogurt or salads. If you utilize pre-ground flax to create omega-3 polyunsaturated fats, you run the risk of producing free radicals that may induce inflammation.
One of nature’s best sources of minerals and high-quality protein is whole eggs (and remember, they increase your GOOD cholesterol).
It’s time to branch out from the traditional peanut butter and try mixing almond butter with sesame seed butter or cashew butter with macadamia butter for a delightful snack that’s also packed with vitamins.
There are many different kinds of salsas out there, so I try to be creative and experiment with some of them.
Don’t believe the skeptics about butter; it enhances taste and may be included in a balanced diet (just keep the quantity small because it is calorie dense… and NEVER use margarine, unless you want to assure yourself a heart attack).
As a bonus, avocados are an excellent source of healthy fats, fiber, and other nutrients, making them an excellent addition to any diet. Wraps, salads, and sandwiches are all good places to start.
Whole grain wraps and bread (at least 3-4 grams of fiber per 20 grams of total carbs).
The addition of rice bran and wheat germ to yogurt or smoothies, or to muffins or breads, may boost minerals and fiber while also providing a nutty, crunchy flavor.
Try shredding carrots with shredded lettuce and spinach as a side dish.
Balsamic vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, and Udo’s Choice oil mingle in a homemade salad dressing. This is a much healthier option than the pre-packaged salad dressings found in supermarkets, which are often made with highly refined soybean oil (a source of inflammation-causing free radicals).

The following are some of the most frequently used items in the freezer:

I prefer to rotate my frozen fish every week, experimenting with a variety of different types of fish. You’ll never get bored since there are so many options out there. Frozen fish is also less likely to spoil than fresh fish since it hasn’t spent as much time traveling and sitting in marketplaces as fresh fish.
It’s hard to come by frozen berries in the winter since they aren’t readily available in my area. But during the 10 months of the year that they are, I always have a supply on hand of high-fiber breakfast foods like oatmeal, yogurt, cottage cheese, and smoothies.
It’s a good idea to stock up on frozen vegetables after the growing season is finished, since they frequently contain more nutrients than fresh food that’s been carried thousands of miles and sat on a shelf for weeks before it reaches your dinner table.
The convenience of using frozen chicken breasts to make wraps or chicken sandwiches for a fast dinner can’t be beat.
Exotic lean meats, such as “frozen buffalo,” “ostrich,” and “venison,” are available in frozen form.
Even though I’m a bit of a weirdo, I can assure you that these meats are among the healthiest on the market, and they’re considerably healthier for you than the mass-produced, hormone-pumped beef and pigs you’ll find in most supermarkets.

Now for the mainstays of my kitchen:

Steel-cut oats and oatmeal bran provide more fiber than those small packets of quick oats.
Opened coconut milk cans should be stored in the refrigerator.
Some of the greatest antioxidant-rich teas are green, oolong, white, and rooibos. A surprising number of studies have shown that even chamomile tea contains beneficial amounts of trace minerals and antioxidants.
Natural, non-caloric sweetener Stevia is a great alternative to artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharine, and sucralose since it is chemical-free.
It’s only genuine maple syrup that can be called food, not the high fructose corn syrup of Aunt Jemima. Because of its high sugar content, I only use this once a week in my post-workout smoothies to sweeten things up and stimulate an insulin rush that helps your muscles absorb nutrition.
Raw honey contains more beneficial nutrients and enzymes than processed honey, making it a healthier choice than heated honey.Furthermore, honey’s glucose metabolism-improving properties have been scientifically proven (how you process carbs). Every morning, I add a teaspoon or two to my tea.
Pasta made from whole grains, such as spelt or whole wheat, has a greater fiber content.
Never eat white rice; instead, eat high-fiber grains such as brown rice.
Two scoops of black or kidney beans, packed with fiber and nutrients, go well with my Mexican wraps. Beans are also a surprising source of antioxidants that promote youth!
Tomato sauces are an excellent source of lycopene, as you’ve probably heard a million times. Be wary of products that contain harmful amounts of high fructose corn syrup.
As much dark chocolate as possible is one of my favorite pleasures since it both fulfills my sweet taste and gives a healthy dose of antioxidants. Just a few squares is enough to satisfy my sweet tooth, so I don’t feel the need to go out and buy cake and ice cream. Dark chocolate with a cocoa level of 70% or more is the best choice. Even most inexpensive dark chocolates have just approximately 50% cocoa content, which is still lower than most milk chocolates. The antioxidant benefits of cocoa come from the cocoa content alone; the remainder of the ingredients are sugar and other preservatives.
You may add this to your smoothies for an added boost of antioxidants, or you can prepare your own low-sugar hot cocoa by combining unsweetened cocoa powder with hot milk and the sweetener of your choice.
You can’t go wrong with any kind of fresh fruit, of course. Despite the fact that fruit includes natural sugars, the fiber included in the majority of fruits helps to reduce the body’s glycemic reaction. Most fruits also provide significant levels of antioxidants and nutrients. There are so many varieties of fruits and vegetables that I like, including kiwifruit and pomegranates. I also like mangos, papayas, and grapefruits, as well as fresh pineapple, bananas, and apples.
I really hope you liked learning about some of my go-to lean bodybuilding recipes and what I keep in my kitchen. Your preferences may vary from mine, but maybe this has given you some inspiration for your next trip to the grocery store, where you’ll be seeking to fill up on nutritious and delectable food.

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