Are you thinking about a career in natural health?

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Are you thinking about a career in natural health?

If you are considering a career in natural health, there are several options and routes to consider. Often, even the most enthusiastic students are at a loss as to where to begin. For example, according to the School of Natural Medicine, “Begin with Self Healing; Begin with the Highest Teachings; Begin with Experiencing the great height and depth of living Natural Medicine.” Studying material, theory, and skills becomes a pleasure when you have them as a basis.
We also recommend that you exercise caution when selecting a teacher, class, seminar, or institution, and that you spend some time getting to know the instructor personally before committing to a course of study. Who knows whether you will connect with a genuine instructor without first making a personal connection with them? not simply a good marketer or someone who teaches on a superficial level without having any real life experience. Want to repeat your high school learning experiences or university academic experiences? Or do you want to discover true learning with a mentor who will know you personally and support and guide you toward your highest potential as a human being, healer, educator, and living example? Do you want to repeat your high school learning or university academic experiences? Whenever you ask a question, you will get a response!
According to Farida Sharan, naturopath and director of the Institution of Natural Medicine in Boulder, Colorado, students who find our amazing school are taught that, just as you look for a genuine instructor, an authentic teacher looks for an authentic student. The highest level of teaching is the effort and challenge to live those teachings, to become a living example and authentic guide for others who are seeking truth. Whether you want to be a healer or professional naturopath, herbalist, iridologist, reflexologist, living food teacher, essential oil therapist, flower essence practitioner, health counselor or educator, or simply live in an environmentally friendly manner with friends and family, the highest level of teaching is the effort and challenge to live those teachings.
Every one of us is a student of life, and the sheer act of committing to becoming a real student of a great teacher provides us with the most honorable chance to achieve our fullest potential. Consider the following and determine whether you are prepared to be an ideal student and to collaborate closely with an ideal instructor in your chosen field.

How well do you understand your subject matter? Are you prepared to accept the most profound teachings?

As both a student and a teacher, I’ve pondered what constitutes a good student on a number of occasions. The attributes listed above are what I look for in a prospective student while interviewing them, and they are also the ones that I promote and support throughout each student’s academic career.
When it comes to building a profession in the healing arts, instead of focusing only on knowledge, success, money, and status, examine the traits you will need to acquire in order to be of service to others.
If you are deserving of wisdom, prosperity, riches, and respect, they will come to you in their natural order.
The blossoming of virtues in awareness paves the way for the embodiment of knowledge via personal experience.
VISION-Recognize with clarity that you are greater than you believe yourself to be. Visualize your biggest desire, and then conduct your life in such a way that your dream becomes a reality.
The ability to feel your dream so passionately that you are confident in your ability to conquer any opposition, hurdles, or problems that stand in your way.
TRUST: Have faith that the causes you support on a daily basis will, step by step, little by little, bring about the future you want for yourself. Recognize that you don’t always know how things will turn out and place your faith in the unfolding mystery.
Courage is the ability to transform fear into inspiration. Celebrate taking a chance by allowing your vision, passion, and trust to propel you into action that will bring your goal to life. Have the confidence to express yourself.
When you say “yes, I will do this” and dedicate yourself completely to your course of study, the world moves to help you. You alter the energy that exists inside and around you in order to manifest your vision.
Continue to go forward day by day, no matter how many ups and downs and changes you experience. Make the necessary arrangements. Inquire about what you need. Don’t give up, don’t put off your studies till a more convenient time comes around, and don’t make excuses.
TELECOMMUNICATION: Express yourself via words and emotions, and take the time to establish a rapport with instructors and customers. Speak your truth, ask for what you need, and express thanks and appreciation to those around you. When you speak, you are sending out a vibration of your being that is being received by the rest of the cosmos.
COMPASSION—Recognize that no one is flawless, not you, not your family and friends, not your instructor, not your fellow students, and certainly not your clients or customers. Release yourself from the desire to criticize, blame, manipulate, compete, sympathize, or resist as a result of this insight. Take all that is provided to you from all relationships and change it into love by showing gratitude for it.
CONFIDENCE: Believe in your ability to succeed.Make use of what you already know, based on your past experiences, your passion, your expertise, and your instincts. Recognize that you are here to serve the earth and life in all of its forms, and that your mission is to live love.
Let go of the urge for serious drama and allow yourself to see the bigger picture, to be receptive to the cosmic humor of our genuine predicament-of not knowing where we came from or where we are going-and to laugh at yourself for doing so. As a result of adopting this attitude, we may be more open to making the most of our lives.
What exactly is there to be proud of when it comes to humility? Pride distinguishes and assesses oneself. Allow the divine to weave a lovely melody through your existence by letting go.
Thankfulness for the blessings of each moment, as well as the wisdom to recognize and value what is being presented that is consistent with your best good, and the common sense to let go of what is not.
A SENSE OF HONESTY: Be ready to tune in to your deepest, genuine sentiments and live from that place, letting go of the worry that you will not be accepted for who you are.
Willingness: Let your willingness to change, grow, expand, and become like the dawn of each new day, just like a toddler who falls and then gets back up again.
Consider the following characteristics: Perhaps you’d want to include a few more names on the list. Some of the characteristics are mirror images of and complements of one another. Take note of which ones come more naturally to you and which ones are more difficult for you to master. Determination is essential in order to acquire the traits that you lack.
The School of Natural Medicine provides much more than just knowledge. Creating a garden of love in this world motivates and supports you to be the absolute best version of yourself in every dimension of being, so that you might inspire others to join you in your endeavor to create a garden of love on this planet.

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