Environmental Pressures

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Environmental Pressures

Today, environmental stress is a major issue all around the globe. Anxiety of this sort is brought on by the ever-increasing levels of pollution in our everyday environments, including the air we breathe, the water we drink, and even the sounds we hear. Environmental stress may manifest as a physical issue, but it can also affect how our brains function. Environmental stress can have mental and emotional effects, but it can also manifest itself physically in ways that are detrimental to health and shorten people’s lives.
Air pollution is one of the most pervasive and obviously harmful forms of environmental stress. Toxic air is being pumped into the atmosphere as companies continue to spew out smoke and chemicals. Whether we are aware of them or not, we will always be subject to them. Little particles that can get stuck in the lung tissue and gases that can enter the circulation are always bombarding our lungs. 
We can’t exactly afford to stop breathing; therefore, this is obviously not a favorable condition.
Further, drinking water exposes us to a wide range of toxins. The water we drink is full of toxins because of all the chemicals used in agriculture, sprayed on lawns, and dumped into water systems. Again, we can’t afford to stop consuming water, but we should be cognizant of the fact that it may contain contaminants we’d rather not ingest.
Unfortunately, there is little we can do to prevent this. There’s no denying that filtered water is safer than tap water, but it’s important to remember that filters still have limitations. Water contains numerous electrolytes that are important to ensure the appropriate functioning of our bodies, so we do not want filters to eliminate all of the chemicals. 
There is no such thing as safe drinking water, not even bottled water, because all water must originate from someplace, and that somewhere is usually a stream or the earth. Particles of debris and pollutants can seep into the earth via streams. However, some people just use water from their taps, which is also not a safe option. Therefore, this is an issue that must be dealt with on a regular basis.
Sadly, these toxins not only affect our physical health but also our mental wellbeing. Physical kinds of environmental stress also introduce poisons to our brains, reducing their efficiency. These subtle toxins are seeping into our brains and producing mental alterations, much as alcohol or drugs do. In fact, being exposed to too much of these poisons can subtly slow down our mental functions. The change will occur so gradually that we won’t even perceive it.
In addition, noise pollution is a leading contributor to environmental stress. The constant barrage of noise experienced by city dwellers can be taxing on the body and mind. It’s difficult to be heard in today’s cities, what with all the horns and sirens from automobiles, buses, trains, factories, and people. The cumulative effect of these stresses on our nervous systems and auditory nerves is to render us unconscious.
Noise pollution is something we may have to cope with simply by going out into public spaces. Of course, this is due to the dreaded “cell yell.” People yelling into their phones may be heard just about anywhere we go these days. This isn’t only a nuisance; it’s also harmful to the ecosystem. Stress is transmitted from the mind to the body when we listen to someone yell into a phone. They are stressful because they are bothersome. As a result, we’re under pressure from something that’s inevitable in the modern world.
Every day, we are exposed to environmental stress, and we need to be conscious of it. Keeping in mind the severity of the situation all the time will only add tension through concern. The stress of modern life, however, is unavoidable, and we should have the foresight to recognize its harmful effects on our bodies and minds.

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