For Cat People, Cat-Friendly Interior Design

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For Cat People, Cat-Friendly Interior Design

When it comes to house decor, simplicity is key for cat owners. Cats believe they are the only ones in control, that the home and its contents are theirs, and that they are entitled to do anything they want with whatever they find. It’s likely that even a well-trained cat (perhaps an oxymoron) gets a little overzealous from time to time and accidentally knocks your favorite ornament to the floor.

With this contempt for your belongings, whether overt or covert, the placing of ornamental items demands some planning. It’s all going to come down to common sense, really. Cats will walk on just about any surface they can get their claws on. Any delicate items should be kept off of low shelves or drawers. To avoid having items fall to the floor, place them in the centre of the surface or against a wall. Other more top-heavy things should be replaced with those with a more solid foundation. The use of steel or wood may be required to replace ceramics or stone sculptures that are prone to breakage.

Moving delicate things higher in a display is one option for doing so. There will be no threat to your cat if your bookcases are placed high enough and away from any “stepping stones.” Even though this is true, some cats will see a tall, isolated dresser as a personal task that they must conquer in order to feel satisfied. Your cat’s personality must be taken into consideration while designing your cat’s environment.

Cats that attack their own image in a mirror may be a nuisance. If your cat is afraid of looking at himself in the mirror, you may be able to distract him with a piece of velvet or satin draped over the glass.

Plants might be one of the most challenging aspects of decorating for a cat. Leaves may be chewed, dirt can be dug, or leaves can be urinated on. Fortunately, there are methods to both design around and educate your cat to avoid these issues. For cats that like to eat leaves, a natural spray repellant may be put on the plant to keep them away. It’s important to remember that the soil in the pot resembles the cat’s litter box if you want to keep your plant free of cat urine and feces. Stones or gravel may be used to cover the soil and make it seem better. Remove the cat’s interest in dirt and add a beautiful ornamental element to your plant.

Grown inside, cat grass is a unique sort of plant designed to be both safe for cats and rich in vitamins that they may be missing. By purchasing this, you can stop your cat from ruining your plants. If you see your cat munching on cat grass, lavishly reward it.Place the cat grass in front of the other plants if you notice they are approaching. Reward them if they consume the provided greenery. You may employ positive reinforcement to change one behavior into another.

Sofas, draperies, and cushions are all vulnerable to cat scratches since they are composed of fabric. Start by putting natural cat repellant on some of your more eye-catching items. It may be necessary to use a plastic sofa cover until the cat learns to behave. Getting a scratching post for your cat and rewarding it when it uses it instead of your sofa is an effective strategy to curb the feline’s destructive tendencies. Only remove the protective covers from your furniture when you are absolutely certain that it is safe.

Cats may be a menace to most home decor, but with a little forethought, these issues can be minimized. When it comes to cat training, it’s much simpler to just decorate around them. It’s possible to create a home environment that enhances your pet ownership experience if you use common sense and pay attention.

Caring for Your Pet

If you have a cat, you’ll need to take extra care while planning the interior design of your house. Because they are easily broken and may lodge themselves in your cat’s skin, glass items should be avoided. Items with sharp edges, spikes, or little parts that may be eaten should be avoided as well.

You should also think about whether anything you bring into your house is safe for your cat to consume. Plants, flowers, and fragrant candles are among the possibilities. You don’t want to allow your inquisitive cat any simple ways to damage itself, despite the fact that cats are independent and clever.

As part of their natural desire to destroy snakes, cats are drawn to thread. It’s possible that this interest will extend to electrical cables. If you see your cat playing with or attacking electrical cables, put a stop to it right away. This is an extremely serious issue that might lead to the cat being electrocuted and sparking a fire. You may safeguard your wires by wrapping them with duct tape if your pet continues to attack them. This will make it more difficult for a cat to chew through and less tasty for the feline to eat. Cats are known to avoid areas where natural sprays with specifically tailored odours have been used.

Curtain cords are just as fascinating as electrical wires, and they likewise pose a risk of strangling as a result of their tangles. Rope that hangs too close to your window curtain may be attacked by your cat, resulting in a tangled mess. If the cat gets stuck in the tangle, it may be quite hazardous for the animal itself. Cats should not be able to grasp long hanging cables, so they should be tied up or clipped so that they are out of their reach.

How cautious you should be depends on your particular cat. Keep an eye on your pet and your house, and adjust your settings accordingly. Whenever you bring anything new into the area, use care to avoid introducing something that might be detrimental to the cat. As a general rule of thumb, exercise common sense and attempt to eliminate any apparent risks from reaching you.

It’s time for the third installment of our series on interior decorating for cat owners.

For the most part, cat decor is more concerned with protecting your pet than making it seem good. Because there are so many companies making cat things, it’s possible to find practically any of the items described above in a variety of colors. Consider getting similar or complimentary-colored scratching posts and litter boxes for your pet. You may be able to make them blend in with the surroundings if you match the color scheme.

Alternatively, if you want to keep the cat’s stuff distinct from the rest of the room’s decor, create a special area for them. You may still have fun with your cat’s toys by arranging them in a way that allows them to interact with your own stuff. It is possible to complement the monochromatic style in your house by selecting black cat accessories that match the color of your walls. The more mottled your colors are, the more likely it is that patterned cat toys, or muted sandy-colored ones, will be more appropriate.

When it comes to decorating around a cat’s litter box, it might be a challenge. It smells, it’s filthy, and it’s surrounded by stray litter that your clueless cat has trampled out of the box. You may put it away in a closet or a bathroom if you want to avoid having to deal with it. Getting a covered kitty box is a good option if there is nothing else to conceal it. In addition to making the litter seem nicer, they also help to keep the area odor-free. Unfortunately, they are unsightly and easily filthy. Get a large cardboard box and set it on top of the trash to make your own personalized cover. Make a door-sized hole at the front of the house. Protect the box from moisture by covering it with an attractive material (such as wrapping paper). In order to avoid ruining the cardboard, this approach should only be used in combination with a plastic cat cover.

Cats may be great, affectionate companions. In general, they are self-sufficient and don’t need much maintenance. In any case, they’re still animals, and as such, they’re not going to notice your home’s beauty. You will need to change your house’s decor in order to keep your pet safe while retaining the aesthetic of your home. Because every cat is unique, you should let your house change along with your cat until you find a balance between safety and aesthetics.

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