How to Attract Success

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How to Attract Success

Every one of us wants to succeed, but most of our efforts fall short. Here, you will learn the secrets to achieving greater success in every effort you make.
Many people never achieve their goals. People hope for success by chasing their ambitions, yet they always end up empty-handed, like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
The effects of disappointment on human beings can be devastating. They sat there, perplexed, wondering where they had gone wrong. They may have a firm conviction that the pot of gold exists, but hope without action is only a dream.
Perhaps you’ve read a ton of books, played by the book, and pictured yourself as the successful person you always dreamed of being. It’s great that you’re able to see things so clearly. Without a leader with a clear vision, a nation will inevitably fail. Still, the issue is that mental visualization alone is insufficient.
  • A question: What do you hope to achieve in life?
  • Please tell me about the dreams you have for the future.
  • I’m curious if you’ve ever committed them to paper.
Who would you want to be if you could do or be anything you wanted to, or go wherever you wanted to go? A hypothetical you: what are you like? Where do you imagine calling home?
I need you to stop what you’re doing right now and jot down your thoughts on these questions. Provide as many details as you can to help the reader imagine that this is the present. Keep these ideas firmly in mind.
Avoid cheating by recording your solutions on paper or, even better, in a book for later review. Call it the Blueprint for Realizing Your Goals.
Now, the question is, “What do I need to do to live the life I dream of?”
To what extent can I expect to achieve my goals, and how should I go about doing so?
The first thing to do is not delay the vision too far into the future. Don’t count on a brighter day.It won’t happen overnight, though, so be patient. Nothing you can do can instantly make your desire come true. You won’t go to the Emerald City by taking the short cut.
The old adage that “success is paved with hard knocks” is true in life.
In order to realize your goals, you must take methodical steps toward doing so. You must also think you will actually get them.
“If you think you can, you can; if you think you can’t, you won’t,” Henry Ford once said.
It’s time to start making plans for making your aspirations of success a reality if you’re serious about doing so, assuming, of course, that you feel you can. Avoid letting worry cloud your judgment. Believe me, I’ve seen it done! However, a mountain may need to be relocated in stages.
This must be prepared for. Dreaming won’t help you achieve your goals. It’s one thing to have a clear picture of what needs to be done, but it’s another to really do anything about it. The key to getting what you want out of life is careful planning.
The first step is to decide what you want to accomplish. I know you don’t like goal setting, but if you don’t write it down and set a deadline, it won’t happen. Trust me, I’m able to give you my word on it.
Can you see oneself thin and relaxed on a beach? No amount of daydreaming will help you achieve your weight loss goals. If you want to lose weight, you should put it in writing.
I need to get rid of pounds before I can have my wish come true. It’s encouraging to see things get off to such a good start. Next, pretend you’re a scale, and you’re standing in front of it, weighing your ideal weight. Are you enjoying the sensation?
It’s your end goal, your ideal, and your perspective. Now, you should ask, “What do I need to do today to go closer to that goal?” Can you really expect to lose 10 pounds in a single calendar month? Is that too much? Could you lose weight at a rate of four pounds per month? Putting in the effort to lose one pound per week is a great first step. What does that amount to in a year? Fifty-two extra pounds! 104 lbs. would disappear at a rate of 2 lbs. every week. Test your limits by accomplishing ever-smaller milestones along the way. Bit by piece, or pound by pound, your mountain can be relocated. Voila ! Success!
Making your aspirations a reality is not some sort of magic. It’s always possible to chip away at a problem until you’ve shifted the mountain and achieved success.

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