Networking Is At The Heart Of Your Professional Success.

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Networking Is At The Heart Of Your Professional Success.

Following the completion of all “self-marketing materials” and verbal presentations, you will be prepared to take your job hunt “to the streets” and begin networking. The idea is to make contact with individuals who can assist you in reaching the hiring managers at the organizations that you are targeting. The act of networking may take place over the phone, in person, by e-mail, or even via the mail.
“Networking is a lot less intimidating and complicated than many people believe,” says Ford Myers (M.Ed.), president and co-author of the “New Year, New Career Power Plan to Achieve Career Success in 2006,” a career consulting firm in Haverford, Pennsylvania. “Networking is a lot less intimidating and complicated than many people believe,” says Ford Myers. It is not necessary to be a good “schmoozer” in order to successfully network. In reality, the finest networkers are often excellent listeners, as opposed to those who are excellent communicators.
And, no matter what, never give up on your efforts to expand your network.Ninety-five percent of my customers obtain excellent employment as a result of their personal networks. It’s not worth it to put yourself in danger by not networking on a regular basis! Keep in mind that if you’re in a career change, networking is an essential part of your employment. All of your efforts should be directed toward achieving this goal. When it comes to your future career, the amount and quality of your networking time are strongly tied to your personal, professional, and financial fulfillment.
In your contact list, you should include the following people: Whom should you be contacting in this situation? The answer is: everyone you are acquainted with. Everyone? Everyone, please! Every living person who knows your name should be included on your contact list!(The only exception is when you’re dealing with folks who plainly don’t like you.) Nothing matters about these connections, including what they do for a career, where they reside, or how much influence or money they have. The idea is to avoid making snap judgments about individuals or making assumptions about who can and cannot assist you. After coaching hundreds of customers through the networking process, I’ve discovered that the majority of new employment opportunities are acquired by those who were least thought to be of assistance!
Let’s “de-mystify” the networking process so that it no longer seems intimidating or complicated to you. Thereafter, you will find a highly-structured and deliberate method that consistently achieves good outcomes. 

Here are the fundamental steps you’ll need to take when using your contact list to narrow down the exact people you want to contact:

1. Form a working relationship.I was recommended by (insert name of common friend/colleague)” or “I was referred by our mutual colleague/friend (insert name), who indicated that” are acceptable ways to introduce yourself…. (Identify a topic of shared interest with which to converse.) I’m contacting you on a professional subject, but please understand that I am not calling to solicit a job from you, nor do I expect you to be aware of any employment opportunities. Let me begin by providing you with some background information about myself and my work past.
A position statement describes “where you’ve been” and what you’re doing now. Essentially, this is a brief, pre-prepared vocal statement that conveys “who you are” in terms of your professional identity. “I am a senior financial and operations professional who graduated from Western General’s Financial Management Program, “for example.” The manufacturing and services sectors have provided me with more than 15 years of work experience. Analysis, problem-solving, communication, and originality are some of my strongest skills. Specialized knowledge in financial analysis and reporting, cash and risk management, and productivity analysis is what I bring to the table. I was looking for a job in management that would allow me to concentrate on financial reporting. “
3. Provide an Exit Statement to explain “what occurred.” In a few paragraphs, explain why you are no longer employed at your prior job or why you are interested in terminating employment with your present company. As a consequence of a merger between two company divisions, over 1,500 roles, including mine, have been impacted, for example. “I now have the chance to explore additional career choices in the financial services industry that will allow me to capitalize on my demonstrated talents in analysis, problem-solving, communication, and creativity,” says the author. In order to avoid any impression that you “did anything wrong” in order to lose your employment, the exit statement must be written in positive terms.
4. Seek professional assistance.”Would you be willing to assist me?” I inquired.
Fifth, take the burden off your contact by assuring him or she that you are not looking for a new position. As I previously said, I am not asking you for a job, and I do not expect you to be aware of any suitable openings. Repetition.However, I am interested in any advice or direction that you may be able to supply, as well as any networking connections you may be able to provide. (Insert name of common friend or colleague who advised me that you would be an excellent person to speak with for this reason.) Would you be willing to take a look at some of my qualifications and provide me with some honest feedback? “I’d be happy to send the items over straight away.”
6. Request assistance once again, such as growing one’s contact network, receiving direction, receiving counsel, or receiving feedback. Make use of the concept of “six degrees of separation” — ask your connections for the contacts of their contacts! And they always “come from a place of giving.” You should, therefore, be on the lookout for chances to provide something of value in exchange.
7. Distribute your most important papers and set aside time to review them.I’ll send you an e-mail (or fax) with a one-page professional biography as well as a list of target companies, you say. Then I’d want to follow up with you and have another talk on whatever day and time would be most convenient for you. Wednesday afternoon or Friday morning would be best. I am certain that your contribution will be quite beneficial, and I appreciate your willingness to assist. Continue the discussion with a two-way value exchange after your networking meeting and follow-up after your networking encounter. Note: If the contact is a “center of influence,” it is preferable to conduct your follow-up talk in person rather than over the phone, unless the contact is located outside of your geographic area.
No matter what is going on in your professional life, maintaining a strong network is a wise career choice. If you don’t need assistance at this moment, you may increase your networking strength by assisting others. In general, most folks will be eager to provide a hand. Their self-esteem is enhanced as a result of this. Being seen as “a connector” of individuals with opportunities and knowledge increases their self-esteem, and it helps them feel relevant to the organization. “Networking is an excellent investment in your future, and it always pays off handsomely in the long run!”

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