No, Omega-3 and Triglycerides aren't that straightforward!

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No, Omega-3 and Triglycerides aren’t that straightforward!

Oversimplification may be dangerous, thus it’s important to be aware of it. Everything can’t be fixed with a single pill. For example, even if everyone on the earth gave up smoking, lung illness would still exist. However, I wonder how much lung illness would be eliminated if people stopped smoking altogether. “A whole heck of a lot,” is my unscientific response to this question. Smoking cessation would have a significant impact on a wide range of chronic illnesses, including lung disease. The fact that individuals continue to smoke despite all the warnings and scientific facts is baffling.
But now, I’m not a member of the anti-smoking movement. Triglycerides are the subject of today’s discussion. The role of triglycerides in heart health has grown in recent years. High triglyceride levels have been linked to a wide range of health problems, including cardiovascular disease.
They may be found in two places in our bodies: the liver and fatty tissue. Firstly, they are produced by our own bodies. They are essential to our survival and make up the majority of the fat in our bodies that we store as energy. The diet is the second source of triglycerides. Triglycerides are fats that we get from the food we eat, and our bodies use them to store energy.
Triglyceride levels might rise as a result of age, certain medical illnesses, or even the drugs we use to treat such diseases. However, none of these factors is to blame for the rise in triglycerides as a whole. Dieting is to blame for it. Nevertheless, that seems too simplistic and perhaps hurtful. The problem is that we eat too much for the amount of activity we do and we consume the incorrect things.
Is there anything that we can do about this? The basic approach is to keep an eye on your nutrition and do some physical activity. You could, of course, give up smoking while you’re at it. Despite its simplicity, it’s an excellent response. Triglyceride levels are mostly a result of a person’s diet.
The details of my diet may wait till another time and place. In the meanwhile, let’s talk about one component of nutrition. Omega-3 fatty acids are implicated. An important fatty acid with the scientific notation “omega-3” has been linked to several health advantages. High triglyceride levels are one of these problems. This is not a secret, in case you didn’t know. Sorry. Being the first to share a fresh discovery excites me to no end. However, this is an old story. Indeed, the hypotriglyceridemic effects of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oils have been well documented, according to a 2002 American Heart Association Circulation article titled “Fish Consumption, Fish Oil, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Cardiovascular Disease.” Fish oils, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids, have been shown in several studies to decrease blood triglycerides.
That being the case, why bring it up at all? I can think of two. It’s important to note that a well-established fact in the scientific community is not the same as a well-established fact in the real-world context. Omega-3 may have been demonstrated to reduce triglycerides in several controlled trials, but that doesn’t imply it’s common knowledge among the general population. In addition, there is a rationale that we’ve all heard before: When we know what we should be doing, it doesn’t mean that we really are doing it. My triglycerides may be out of whack. I’m quite sure I’ve read somewhere that this condition is associated with a high risk of disease. Changes to my diet and using fish oil supplements may further lower this health risk. All of this does not imply that I intend to take any action.
A horse may be led to water, but you cannot make him drink according to the traditional saying. I can, however, give the horse a pinch of salt to make him more thirsty. I’ll throw in a pinch of salt for you. Two groups of individuals with increased triglycerides were compared in a randomized experiment. Simvastatin was given to one group along with 4 grams of Omacor, a 90 percent omega-3 fatty acid supplement. There was also a placebo in the second group, which got simvastatin and a placebo. The decrease in blood triglycerides was 20-30% higher in the fish oil-consuming group than in the control group. As a result, they saw a 30% to 40% decrease in VLDL cholesterol. In the body, VLDL cholesterol may be transformed to LDL cholesterol. That, my friends, is the abysmal stuff. According to a review of human trials, taking 4 grams of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) daily lowered blood triglyceride levels by 25-30 percent. Consider this if this isn’t enough for you. Fish oil supplements were discouraged by the American Heart Association for long time despite the organization’s strong support for eating fish. That is no longer the case. AHA now advises fish oil supplements for those with established coronary heart disease or high triglyceride levels to take the supplements
In terms of source, there are two broad groups of omega-3 fatty acids. To begin with, there is alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is found in vegetable sources such as flaxseed and soy oils.
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) make up the second group (DHA). Salmon, herring, mackerel, and tuna are only a few examples of cold-water fatty fish that contain these two compounds. Even while all omega-3 fatty acids tend to decrease triglycerides, cold water fish species have been shown to have a considerably larger impact. Because of this, fish oil supplements are far more popular than alpha-linolenic acid supplements.. Many high-quality supplements, on the other hand, provide a blend of both sorts.
Regardless of the source, omega-3 is readily available in our diets. All we need to do is consume the correct foods. Apparently, we’ve got an epidemic going on in our society. That epidemic is the mindset of many people who say, “I’ll wait till something’s broken, and then I’ll take a medicine to cure it.” In other words, we don’t take care of ourselves until something goes wrong with our health. After that, we’ll go to the doctor’s office to get a prescription. This is not just pricey, but it also seems a bit counter-intuitive to me. I’d rather eat healthily and avoid a few doctor’s visits than go on a diet.
So, what do you think? Consume plenty of healthy foods. Salmon is an excellent source of triglyceride-lowering omega-3 fatty acids. If your triglycerides are already high, talk to your doctor about taking fish oils from a reputable source as a dietary supplement. People with elevated triglycerides should consume two to four grams of DHA and EPA per day, according to the American Heart Association.
There’s one last thing. We all know that mercury is found in certain seafood. Fish oil pills must thus be purchased from a reputable provider. These pollutants are not present in high-quality supplements. While it may cost more initially, they are really worth it.

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