Recognizing Stress Symptoms 

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Recognizing Stress Symptoms

There are varying degrees of stress that need to be recognized for a more complete understanding of the phenomenon. Stress comes in many forms, and identifying which one is being experienced might help with treatment. Also, there are tests that can shed light on an individual’s unique stress and help them gain insight into their own personalities. The data collected can then be used to develop a comprehensive strategy for handling stress. Thus, keep these stress levels in mind when analyzing your own tension in order to accept yourself and discover the best strategies for maintaining mental equilibrium.
In their research for the Canadian Institute of Stress, Drs. Hans Selye and Richard Earle discovered and classified these stress levels. Because of this, they own the designations and categories.
One of the most common types is Type 1, sometimes known as the “speed freak.”
When you’re at this stress level, you always feel like you have to provide more. They have a penchant for being perfectionists, are quick to talk, and lack patience. Many speed freaks believe that because they constantly exert themselves, they will eventually achieve success. Of course, this isn’t always the case, especially when constant full-throttle operation just leads to anxiety over inconsequential matters.
It’s important for speed demons to slow down and focus on the big picture, but they also need to de-stress when they’re grinding through the small stuff. This allows them to save energy when they don’t need it and speed up when they do.

Constant Worry

At the worry-worry stress level, one can’t seem to stop thinking, but they also can’t seem to do anything about it. They overthink everything to the point where they can’t take action. As a result, they waste their time and energy doing nothing productive. True to their moniker, worry warts spend a great deal of time fretting, which renders them even more helpless.
Those who suffer from excessive worry should take some time to analyze the circumstances in which their concerns arise, document all the worst-case scenarios, and evaluate the likelihood of each. By taking a philosophical position toward things, the Worry Wart will feel less anxiety and be able to move forward with their plans.


People who are prone to drifting are those who have so many options available that they are unable to master any one thing thoroughly. They spread their efforts too thinly among too many different activities, rather than focusing on the few things that would get them closer to their life goals. So, while they may be spending their time effectively, it is not usually leading to any tangible results. Actually, they end up entrapped by their own inefficiency, creating a paradox of total freedom in which they have no choice but to exist.
Drifters should get clear on what they want out of life, prioritize their happiness, and aim to create a well-rounded schedule that includes more than just work. Then, if they have something to work for, they can get rid of the distractions.


Loners’ incapacity to form deep connections with other people is indicative of their elevated stress levels. Since they usually operate independently, they are not exposed to the opinions of those around them. Instead of reaching out to others and developing relationships that could strengthen their lives, they withdraw into themselves. Because they aren’t putting themselves in situations where they can meet new people and try new things, they’ll never know what they like or who they like doing it with.
Isolates can move closer to their goals if they make an effort to identify and articulate their core values and then cultivate relationships with those who share those values. This will provide them with direction and a means to achieve that direction.

Consists of a Bunch of Losers

Due to their high stress levels, basket cases have brought about their own energy crisis. They don’t take care of themselves by relieving their pain and depression and deciding that going out is too much trouble. As a result of their own feelings of fatigue and melancholy, they are often in bad health.
Patients in a “basket case” need to start eating better so they can start recovering. The next step is to start working out after a few weeks. Then, once they’re feeling more energized, they need to learn how to keep that energy level up by not overworking and taking frequent pauses.

The Cliff-Hoppers

To put it simply, Cliff Walkers risk endangering their health.They always seem exhausted, and they frequently smoke, eat poorly, drink excessively, and neglect physical activity. The problem is that they frequently think that their bad habits will only hurt them in the long run, so they continue to do more harm to themselves. This explains why they have such a hard time keeping their energy levels up.
In terms of care, Cliff Walkers are given the same consideration as Basket Cases. They need to eat healthily, begin an exercise regimen, and discover ways to conserve energy in order to avoid feeling exhausted all the time.
People who keep track of their stress levels can gain insight into themselves and develop success skills. As a result, after a person’s unique kind of stress has been properly addressed, the same aspects of their character that were once a liability might prove to be an asset. Knowing how to manage one’s stress levels is, therefore, a useful skill.

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